Apartments and offices sitting next to a body of water


  • Accountable persons and the principal accountable person manage the fire and structural safety risks of a high-rise residential building.

    This updated guidance will help you understand these roles and their legal duties as set out in the Building Safety Act 2022. 

    The new guidance covers:

    • Accountable person
    • Principal accountable person
    • Clarity about who is accountable
    • Legal duties
    • Additional duties for the principal accountable person
    • Breach of duties

    Access the guidance here.

    • Building Safety Act
    • Dutyholders
  • On 3 July 2023, regulations to establish a Responsible Actors Scheme (RAS) for residential developers under sections 126-129 of the Building Safety Act 2022 were signed into law. On 21 July 2023, government launched the Responsible Actors Scheme.

    The Scheme will recognise action taken by responsible developers to identify and remediate or pay to remediate life-critical fire safety defects in residential buildings 11 metres or over in height which they developed or refurbished in England over the 30 years to 4 April 2022.

    Developers who are likely to be eligible to join the Scheme will receive an invitation from the Secretary of State. In order to join the Scheme, eligible developers will need to respond to the invitation, apply for membership and enter into the developer remediation contract.

    Those who successfully sign up to the Scheme will have their names added to the Responsible Actors Scheme members list.

    As of 21 September 2023, 37 developers have joined the Scheme.

    The developers who have joined the Responsible Actors Scheme have collectively committed to remediating over 1,100 buildings, equating to over 75,000 homes, at a cost to themselves of over £2 billion.

    Read the latest guidance, enrolment details and regulations here

    • Building Remediation
    • Responsible Actors Scheme
  • Following the secondary legislation published last month, the Health and Safety Executive has today (19th Sept 2023) published a new set of guidance documents for the in-occupation parts of the new building safety regulatory regime for high-rise buildings in England, overseen by the Building Safety Regulator.

    The new guidance covers:

    • Preparing a Resident Engagement Strategy
    • Preparing a Safety Case Report
    • Safety Case for a High-Rise Residential Building
    • Building Safety Guides for Accountable Persons

    There is also updated guidance from the Home Office on Fire Door Checks (published 18th Sept 2023)

    You can find them all on the GOV.UK page here

    • Building Safety Regulator
  • The guidance from the HSE for Principal Accountable Persons on submitting structural and safety information (Key Building Information) was updated on 11th September.  The latest guidance aims to help PAPs understand what the Building Safety Regulator will ask, and how you might answer each question.

    Read the latest guidance here


    • Building Safety Regulator
    • Registration & KBI
  • The deadline to register a high-rise residential building with the Building Safety regulator (BSR) is 1st October 2023. It will be a criminal offence if you have not registered an occupied building by 11:59 on 30th September.If you haven’t already started your application to register your buildings, time is running out.

    Apply to register a high-rise building online.

    The HSE is continuing to hold a series of registration clinics to help individuals or organisations that have started an application but have yet to complete it. If you register to attend one of the clinics, you will join a small group of other Accountable or Principle Accountable Persons (APs & PAPs). You can ask your questions to an expert on the registration process and get practical help to complete your application.

    You can register to join a clinic on the HSE registration page.

    Did you know?  
    HSE continuing to update the Did You Know? section on its campaigns microsite. This now includes some of the questions and issues being raised in the registration webinars and clinics. If you are still having issues with using the service you can contact the team directly using HSE’s contact form.

    Read the full update from HSE here

    • Building Safety Regulator